Coalition of Franchisee Associations

September 26, 2018

McDonald's Switches to Cleaner Cheese, Buns

"He said the costs to the chain are “minimal” and that menu prices won’t be raised."

McDonald's Switches to Cleaner Cheese, Buns in Latest Menu Scrub - Bloomberg


Anonymous said...

Minimal? Nothing is “minimal” with this company. It will hit our bank accounts for another random withdrawal from my bank account for “minimal” money. Which are always a nice surprise when reconciling my accounts each month. The response I get when I ask when these minimal withdrawals were communicated I get a response that it was at the bottom of some Link Up email. It must have been in between the stories about Simplifcation is Working or OO cash flow/store profitability is at an all time high! I guess I missed it.

Anonymous said...

This is becoming stupidville. They are brainwashed into thinking our customers care about this, maybe some do but we will be throwing more food away that expires more quickly for sure. Food cost is already up 1.5% this year and per normal some NGO has pressured McDonald's into doing crap that is not in our best interest. Again.

"Customer Obsessed"

If you don't believe them, just take a Voice quiz, it's only about 17 pages long- they want an hour out of your day to give them data points for internal use, especially to rank O/O's and throw the good ones out who already know their customers.