Coalition of Franchisee Associations

August 31, 2015

RIP Max Cooper

Those who didn't know Max Cooper missed out on a big part of McDonald's history.

Birmingham McDonald's pioneer Max Cooper dead at 99

August 14, 2015

Crashing McDonald’s Annual Meeting

If McDonald's Operators cringe when hearing bad news about the brand - much
of the blame goes to the combative way in which the Oak Brook press relations 
people treat members of the media. Reporters rarely write about this abuse but 
Franchise Times is up front.

The solution? Hire some nice people.

Crashing McDonald’s annual meeting - Franchise Times

August 12, 2015

Let the Digital Food Giveaways Begin!

San Diego McDonald’s Restaurants Roll Out New App and Offers


Why Apologize For Not Giving Away Product?

McDonald's sorry after French workers forbidden to feed vagrants

Chipotle Vs. McDonald's

Which fast food chain is really the best?

August 8, 2015

A Little Politics and Economics

Art Laffer was a member of President Reagan's Economic Policy Advisory Board

Changing OPNAD

So the chairman says "OPNAD is changing"? Yes, the communications world is changing
and OPNAD must change with it.

But, if things are changing why does OPNAD still have to charge Operators the full 1.6%?

If decisions are being moved to the field why is the OPNAD rate still 1.6%?

A sure sign that OPNAD has too much money is their ability to fund digital menu boards -
or said another way - they have so much money they can fund any Oak Brook driven initiatives.

OPNAD is like most government agencies. They can never accept a decrease in their
budgets and they live on forever.

A few suggestions for McDonald's Operators:

* Pull out your franchise agreement(s) and look for the language that specifically requires
   you to belong to OPNAD.

* Pull out your P&Ls and total up the percentage of sales spent on all advertising and    promotion of the McDonald's business including billboards, sports teams, Ronald visits,
in store materials, - everything. Radical Operators would even include signage, uniforms  (anything with a logo) and the expense of the Dollar Menu and other discounting.

* Reflect on the above when considering the next OPNAD pledge.