Coalition of Franchisee Associations

February 12, 2024

California Senate Candidate Proposes $50 Minimum Wage

California Congresswoman Barbara Lee wants to mandate inflation

The USA has finally crossed the economic Rubicon. For decades, the minimum wage was a training wage for unskilled people. But it is now a “living wage” where the employees should make enough to have a home or apartment, a car, and several flat-screen TVs. Oh yeah, and be able to support a spouse and a few kids.

And this isn’t just about California. There are politicians all over the country as ignorant as Congresswoman Lee. This concept will continue to spread nationally, and politicians will be able to buy votes by promising the masses that the government has the power to legislate their standard of living. 

The new approach to the “minimum wage” may be the most inflationary thing to ever happen to the domestic economy.


Anonymous said...

The most scary thing about this is that Lee wants to be a US Senator.

Less scary is that she can't be that stupid-she knows it is a farce and unworkably inflationary. She is just playing for votes and campaign donations from unions like SEIU.

Richard Adams said...

Very true, especially as a U.S. Senator, she would have less and less to do with legislation in the State of California.
But, there are more and more people who can no longer look to organized labor for wage increases. They are now turning to the government to force those increases. And there are plenty of politicians who will follow Lee's example and make wild promises we can't afford to keep.

Anonymous said...

Congresswoman Lee is owned by big labor and pimped out by labor unions. Her two Dem opponents are no better.

Anonymous said...

Unions are a cancer that must be removed

Anonymous said...

Dont like this? Then stop voting for leftist progressives who will tax and spend us into bankruptcy!

Anonymous said...

This woman is a moron

Anonymous said...

Forrest Gump said "Stupid is as stupid does". As proof I give you Rep Barbara Lee. Yes this woman who demands a ridiculous $50 minimum wage, is the same woman who loudly claimed that "global warming will lead women into prostitution". So the bogus climate change theory affects women differently than men? What an idiot. And who are the idiots who keep voting to send her back to congress??

Thank you Rep Barbara Lee. Youve proved Forrest Gump right

Anonymous said...

The poster said, "who are the idiots who keep voting to send her back to Congress"? We'll the center of her district is Oakland...enough said but do you want me to go on?

The voters of that city, and that district have fundamentally ruined Oakland and she has stood by for years watching the destruction and supporting and cheerleading policies that do not work to build a vibrant, safe community that serves all including families. It's one of the biggest Sh--T Holes in California, they have lost tons of businesses and restaurants most recently an In-N-Out how does a city in California lose an In-N-OuT. they have lost two major sports franchises because they cannot figure out how to keep them (Raiders & Oakland A's).

Richard Adams said...

Lee has been in Congress for a quarter of a century and in politics since 1975. But she’s just a typical California politician; there is nothing unusual about her or her lack of accomplishments.
That’s how one-party states work. She is a good study of the type of people who allowed Gavin Newsome to rise to the top state job. And she’ll be out front working to make him POTUS. But she won’t win this senate seat. The winner will be the very strange Congressman Adam Schiff, who, through various antics, has better name recognition nationally and in California.
Steve Garvey is pretty well known among the boomer generation, but he retired from baseball in 1987, so younger voters won’t know him. He should have taken his shot 15 years ago during the Schwarzenegger era.