Coalition of Franchisee Associations

September 13, 2021

A McPlant Grows in Britian

This first article describes the rollout of McDonald's fake meat in McDonald’s United Kingdom The second article breaks down the McDonald’s menu for a potential vegan customer. It’s hard to read the vegan article without thinking “these people are crazy”.

Crazy is a harsh word but they certainly are fanatics.

* Exercise fanatics have an ever-shrinking social circle. * 

* Covid-19 fanatics drive around in their cars - alone - wearing a mask.

* Religious fanatics have a hard time finding a place to worship.

* Vegan fanatics have a hard time dining outside their homes.

It's impossible to make these people happy. Your staff should focus on selling real food instead of being distracted by fussy, whinny vegans.

If McDonald's management and directors think McDonald's should be in the vegan business they should use some of their cash to buy one of the already successful vegan restaurant chins.

What's that? There are no successful vegan chains? Never mind.

Meatless in the United Kingdow

Treehugger barks about McDonald's food

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