Coalition of Franchisee Associations

McDonald's and McKinsey (continued)

The video of the CEO of McKinsey should be distributed and posted to all stakeholders impacted, with an introduction of how sleazy they are for all to see,including all Owners, Media, the McD Board of Directors, blogs , Wall Street investors, context with how prevalent McKinsey is in management protocols and policies for years at McD's...and someone should demand an investigation into how much McDonalds pays this corrupt entity (McKinsey) for its sleazy guidance and advice. (Is it true that McKinsey actually has an office in McDonalds headquarters? Have you noticed the multiple McKinsey alums now on the McDonalds Board of Directors?)

The McKinsey CEO's testimony just answering the questions on conflicts w/ China, and Chinese owned companies  (>22), with such Communist and dark-anti-American ideologies, is appalling and all also proved in the book ("When McKinsey Comes to Town")...the Chapter on how McKinsey advised insurance companies how to screw all Louisiana residents after Katrina by unscrupulously "settling" cases filed, in order to low ball them with "fast" money (to give the appearance of being efficient, even though for the agents and company personnel they based rewards and incentives on how much they saved the Insurance companies- BILLIONS) by early resolution rather than allowing the proper due diligence or representation... this is comparable to McKinseys advice to McD on how McD's has cost shifted the shared partnership culture that few understand today, and messaged publicly as if the Owners are the "greedy" party, be it policies or embarrassing Owners with announcements on social responsibility "looking" issues like minimum wage, affordability,  ROFR, etc... Just look at all the embarrassing political and social statements and gaffes that Chris K has made.

These are the people that the McDonalds Senior Management team and the Board of Directors rely on for guidance!

SPEAK UP or watch the system and the now defunct "partnership" be further destroyed!


Anonymous said...

This is the best assessment of McKinsey Ive seen in a long time. They are unscrupulous and corrupt, and our corporate leaders are in league with them.

Anonymous said...

Wow! Owners, McD's BOD & Investors Wake-Up Time?

Does a public company report how much it pays to McKinsey to
provide strategic plans, key messaging and the history of
advising corp mgmt on how to masterfully shift costs to the little guy or
consumers and message it as sound business policy? i.e. "Hope in a

This is yet another smoking gun proving the HOW McDonald's Management has
consistently shifted costs from the former culture of partnership to acting as
a ruthless Hedge Fund.

Making more and more money as Owners lose equity, cash
flow and any shared decisions that built the former System is not a
Business Plan.

Rather it is exposes the SMOKESCREEN of how high Stock Price and sales
results can be corporately featured as they take more and more off the
top and us FRANCHISEES WHO OWN 95% of US stores absorb the long term debt.