Over the past few days, we've received many great anonymous comments. If you come here just looking for headlines, you're missing out. Please review the comments for the past ten days or so and make some of your own.
We have given up control of our cash flow to McDonald’s Corp. and their discounting app. Price fixing of a different kind.
We as franchise owners have little to say! We have lost control of promoting our business and what is best for our restaurants. Our costs of doing business has increased. Our promo line is out of control since we promote through the mobile app, opnads promotion and our local agencies promotions. Cash flow?
I'm proud to be a charter member of the NOA and support them all the way. But the language in the last email concerns me. At the end it says, "The NOA stands in full support of our elected leadership, including the NFLA, NSLC, OPNAD, NBMOA, MHOA, AMOA, WON, and PRIDE. We deeply appreciate the courage these leaders demonstrate daily as the tip of the spear. We salute, respect, and stand with you—unwavering in our commitment to your efforts." While I also salute the members of these groups for the work they do but does OPNAD belong on that list? The biggest and most frequent complaint I hear from my fellow o/os is about OPNAD. OPNAD is the only group on that list that has a huge impact on our cash flow. And yet we salute them like they are doing us a favor? I think its apples and oranges and the apples are rotten.
Why do we never get an accounting on how our individual OPNAD reps voted?? How do we know if they are representing us as owners, or pandering to the company for their own personal gain? We must INSIST on an accounting of votes!
We have given up control of our cash flow to McDonald’s Corp. and their discounting app. Price fixing of a different kind.
The FTC should investigate MCD price fixing
The Angel Reese partnership should be able to rectify the declines in sales and guest counts.
She's sure a vast improvement over previous promo partners!
Does the FTC wait for cititzen's or business complaints before they investigate?
We as franchise owners have little to say! We have lost control of promoting our business and what is best for our restaurants. Our costs of doing business has increased. Our promo line is out of control since we promote through the mobile app, opnads promotion and our local agencies promotions. Cash flow?
Price fixing LOL.....Your Co-Ops endorsed the value platform and digital discounting and was voted in by your elected OPNAD board.
And if there was any kind of investigation or action those board memembers would rush to defend the companys side.
I'm proud to be a charter member of the NOA and support them all the way. But the language in the last email concerns me. At the end it says,
"The NOA stands in full support of our elected leadership, including the NFLA, NSLC, OPNAD, NBMOA, MHOA, AMOA, WON, and PRIDE. We deeply appreciate the courage these leaders demonstrate daily as the tip of the spear. We salute, respect, and stand with you—unwavering in our commitment to your efforts."
While I also salute the members of these groups for the work they do but does OPNAD belong on that list? The biggest and most frequent complaint I hear from my fellow o/os is about OPNAD. OPNAD is the only group on that list that has a huge impact on our cash flow. And yet we salute them like they are doing us a favor? I think its apples and oranges and the apples are rotten.
Why do we never get an accounting on how our individual OPNAD reps voted?? How do we know if they are representing us as owners, or pandering to the company for their own personal gain? We must INSIST on an accounting of votes!
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