Reviewing "Best Practices for Owner/Operators navigating election season" Operators are told "As a company we do not support just one candidate or one political party. We support policies that advance the business interests of our organization and enable our license to operate".
Much of this manual is heavy-handed, but this portion is good strategy. Nothing like this could be conducted properly or constructively. It's one thing for Trump to pop into a Chick-fil-A and buy everyone lunch, but that's not an event sponsored by Chick-fil-A corporate or its licensee. Kamala Harris can stop at a 7-11 for some Doritos but it's not a 71-1 corporate event.
Even if only 30% of McDonald's USA customers are hardcore Democrats, that's a lot of business to risk.
Not in my stores. I'll support Trump but I don't want my customers or my employees involved in my politics.
Former McDonald's Operator and current Oklahoma Congressman Kevin Hern was on Fox this morning. He said (paraphrased), "She says she worked at McDonald's for a short time. I worked at McDonald's for 35 years, so I guess that makes me President."
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